and the Workplace
385.A1 (Accelerated) - Fall
Kristi Siegel
Associate Professor and Chair, Division of Languages,
Literature, and Communication
Wednesdays (August 17 – October 5), 6:00 – 9:50 p.m.,
NDH 247
Office: Notre Dame Hall, Room 239
Office hours: 4:00-5:50 pm – Wednesdays,
and by appointment
Phone: 258-4810, ext. 395
e-mail: please send to both siegelkr@mtmary.edu
and siegelkr@core.com |
Please note!! Discussion questions for
Wednesday's class (Sept. 7) are posted below under "Week
Four - September 7."
Description and Objectives:
and the Workplace will explore how literature relates to business
and work. Although we spend most of our lives “working,”
we often give the concept of “work” little thought; literature
provides a means to examine the workplace. What are some of the stereotypes
that have been leveled at women in the workplace? What are the interpersonal
dynamics of the workplace? What values, ethics, inequities, and challenges
are evident in workplace literature? What is the definition of success?
What are the outcomes of work? (both positive and negative). Selections
from drama, short stories, a novel, poetry, cultural theory, music,
and movies will serve as a basis to examine central issues in commerce,
e.g., interpersonal relationships, the ethics of business, definitions
of success, and what we see as the “American dream.”
- to
appreciate and discuss how literature relates to everyday workplace
or business dynamics;
- to
consider how men and women or women and women relate in the workplace;
- to
examine definitions of success in light of differing concepts of the
“American Dream” and career goals in general;
- to
consider the stereotypes about the workplace literature reinforces
or disputes;
- to
respond articulately to literature through discussion, writing, and
oral presentation.
- Death
of a Salesman – Arthur Miller. Penguin
Books, 1998.
- Women
& Fiction: Short Stories By and About Women. Ed. Susan Cahill.
Signet Classics: 2002.
- Fried
Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Café. Fanny Flagg.
Ballantine: 2000.
- Numerous
handouts of short stories and poetry (make sure to have a folder or
binder to organize the handouts)
Course Policies below]
Nine to Five: Literature and the Workplace
Course Calendar

I – (Weeks 1 –3) Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
- What
does literature have to tell us about the relationships between men
and women?
- How
do men and women relate in the workplace?
- What
stereotypes are associated with men and women in the workplace?
- Do men
and women communicate differently? (yes, I know – a whopping generalization
Date |
Readings |
Activities/Assignments |
to Week One |
Read “White Tigers” excerpt from A Woman Warrior
by Maxine Hong Kingston (handout)
“Why It’s Great to be a Guy” – e-mail
“Composite of a Romance Tip Sheet”
List the ways in which Fa Mu Lan defies typical stereotypes about
List the stereotypes about women implied in the e-mail excerpt
Based on the information in the “Romance Tip Sheet”
what are the desirable qualities of a romance heroine?
One August 17 |
Introduction |
- Introduction
to course and to each other
- Discussion of syllabus, assignments, course expectations
Lecture and Discussion: “The Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly: How Have Women Been Depicted in Literature and Culture?”
Readings: |
- “White
Tigers” excerpt from A Woman Warrior by Maxine
Hong Kingston.
- “Why
It’s Great to be a Guy” – e-mail excerpt
- “Composite
of a Romance Tip Sheet”
Clips: |
- The
Women – Dir. Geoge Cukor. Norma Shearer. Rosalind
Russell. 1939.
- Sleeping
Beauty (Disney version – 1959)
- Cinderella
(Disney version – 1950)
- Discussion
of stereotypes implicit in e-mail and Tip Sheet and defied in
Kingston excerpt
For next class, consider what fairy tale, nursery rhyme, movie,
story, etc., was particularly influential. What about it appealed
to you? What messages to young women do you see in it now?
Essay assigned (handout)
Two August 24 |
Stories: |
Drama: |
Poetry: |
“Cinderella” – Anne Sexton (poetry packet)
Clips: |
- Mr.
Mom (Dir. Stan Dragoti. Michael Keaton. Teri Garr.
Clips: |
- Hey
There, Little Red Riding Hood – Sam the Sham (1960s)
Where Have all the Cowboys Gone – Paula Cole (1990s)
- Discussion
of readings and discussion topic question
Handout on creating discussion questions
Oral reports
Read Woolf’s essay and write a response. Do you feel women
still have an “Angel in the House”?
Consider Woolf’s the second inhibition discusses. Are
women still uncomfortable talking and writing about their bodies?
Three August 31 |
Theory: |
“Professions for Women” – Virginia Woolf
Short Stories:
“Like a Winding Sheet” – Ann Petry, p.
“Seventeen Syllables” – Hisaye Yamamato
Movie Clip and Review:
Adam’s Rib (Dir. George Cukor. Kathryn Hepburn.
Spencer Tracy. 1949)
- Discussion
of questions on Woolf’s essay.
Discussion of readings.
Oral reports
For next class, read “The Site of Motherhood” –
does Western culture value motherhood? What is your definition
of “work”?
II – (Weeks 4 & 5) Working Girl or Baby Boom: Women and Work
- How
do women relate to one another in the workplace?
- How
have “career” women been depicted?
- What
obstacles have women faced? What challenges do women face now?
- What
positive models of women-to-women workplace dynamics can you identify?
negative models?
- Does
the myth of the “superwoman” still persist?
Readings |
Activities/Assignments |
Four Sept. 7 |
QUESTIONS: Each answer should be at least one fully
developed paragraph; mail your answers to siegelkr@core.com
by Friday, September 9. Also, please remember
to send the thesis for your essay!
- Read
"The Site of Motherhood." How do you feel American
culture views motherhood? Justify your answer with specific
- Read
"The Office." In a famous essay by Virginia
Woolf, she commented that in order to write a woman must
have a "room of one's own." However, is that
enough? What do the experiences of the woman in "The
Office" suggest?
- Read
"Winter Night." What opinion do you have of
Felicia's mother? On what details, specifically, do you
base your opinion?
- Read
"Two Kinds." Is the mother's strong desire to
have her daughter succeed characteristic only of parents
who are immigrants, or is this desire universal?
- Discuss
the main point in one of the three poems: "The Secretary
Chant," "Sadie and Maud," or "Superwoman."
Excerpt from Women’s Autobiographies, Culture,
Feminism, Peter Lang Publishing: 1999, 2001. Kristi
Siegel, “The Site of Motherhood” (handout)
Short Stories:
“The Office” – Alice Munro, p. 373
“Winter Night” – Kay Boyle, p. 113
“Two Kinds”–
Amy Tan
- “The
Secretary Chant” – Marge Piercy (poetry packet)
“Sadie and Maud” – Gwendolyn Brooks
(poetry packet)
“Superwoman” – Anne Petker Dicken (poetry
Movie clips:
- Working
Girl (Dir. Mike Nichols. Melanie Griffith. Harrison
Ford. 1988)
Baby Boom (Dir. Charles Shyer. Diane Keaton.
Sam Shepherd 1987)
of questions on “The Site of Motherhood”
Discussion of readings
Oral reports
For next class, complete three discussion questions on Fried
Green Tomatoes (these will be collected; be prepared to
answer your own questions).
- Complete
essay - due next class.
Sept. 14 |
questions collected.
Essay collected.
Novel: |
- Fried
Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café –
Fannie Flagg
Movie: |
Fried Green Tomatoes (Dir. Jon Avnet. Kathy Bates.
Mary Stuart Masterson. Jessica Tandy. 1991)
- Discussion
of Fried Green Tomatoes
For next class, bring in your definition of “success.”

III – (Weeks 6 & 7) The American Dream, The American Nightmare
- What
does literature tell us about the American Dream (or materialistic
dreams in general)?
- What
is your definition of success? failure? happiness? greed?
- How
will you know when you’ve attained your goals?
- Do
you feel America is the “land of (equal) opportunity”?
Date |
Readings |
Activities/Assignments |
Six Sept. 21 |
Stories: |
Poetry: |
“Dream Deferred” – Langston Hughes (poetry
“For a Lady I Know” – Countee Cullen (poetry
“The World is Too Much with Us” – William
Wordsworth (poetry packet)
Clip: |
Review of Wall Street – Roger Ebert
Wall Street. (Dir. Oliver Stone. Charlie Sheen.
Michael Douglas. 1987)
- Discussion
of “success” definitions
Oral Reports
Discussion of readings
Review for short-answer exam next class
For next class, consider whether we (Western culture) face more
pressures now than in the early 1900s. How has the role of women
changed? Do we have fewer obstacles or more challenges?
Seven Sept. 28 |
(short-answer questions)
- Death
of a Salesman – Arthur Miller
Movie: |
Death of a Salesman (Broadway Theatre Archive.
Dir. Alex Segal, Lee J. Cobb, George Segal, 1966)
- Discussion
of role of men/women in today’s society.
Discussion of Death of a Salesman
Short-answer exam
For next class, complete final project.
Eight Oct. 5 |
Presentations of Final Projects
Course Evaluations
(Additional texts of interest – not required):
- Talking
from 9 to 5. Women and Men in the Workplace: Language, Sex and Power.
Deborah Tannen. Avon Books: 1995.
- Working:
People Talking About What They Do all Day and How They Feel about
What They Do. Studs Terkel. New Press. 1997.
- The
American Dream: A Short History of an Idea that Shaped a Nation.
Jim Cullen. Oxford UP, 2002.
- Beyond
Work-Family Balance: Advancing Gender Equity and Workplace Performance.
Rona Rapoport. Josey-Bass, 2001.
- Race,
Gender, and Work: A Multicultural Economic History of Women in the
United States. Teresa L. Amott. South Bend Press, 1996.
- The
Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How it has Undermined
Women. Susan Douglas. Free Press, 2004.
Academic Dates:
- Thursday,
August 11, 2005 - Accelerated New Student Orientation
- Monday,
September 5 - Labor Day (no classes)
- Friday,
September 23, 2005 - Accelerated Term 1--Last Day to Withdraw from
- Monday,
October 10, 2005 - Accelerated Term 1 ends
Policies – Accelerated Format:
Student attendance at each class is essential.
- If
you have to miss a class for any reason please contact the teacher
ahead of time, or to leave a message for the instructor call the Center
for Educational & Professional Advancement at 414-256-1252.
- You
are responsible for making up missed work, obtaining class notes,
or, at the discretion of your instructor, you may be given an alternative
- For
an 8-week course a second absence from the same course lowers your
grade one full letter grade; e.g. from a “B” to a “BC.”
- For
an 8-week course the third absence from the same course will result
in a grade of an “F,” or you may withdraw if the accelerated
withdrawal deadline has not passed.
Expectations – Accelerated Format:
- Accelerated
courses meet in five 8-week terms each year. Your course can meet
for 8 weeks or 4 weeks, rather than a 16-week semester. The accelerated
course content is the same as a 16-week class. Because less time is
spent in class, your courses will be more intense with a heavy workload.
- An
assignment is due on the first night of your class. To prepare, obtain
your textbook and class syllabus from MMC Bookstore two weeks prior
to the start of the term.
- You
are expected to learn more of the class material outside of class.
You may have double the homework of a regular class, and you could
have group work assignments.
- It
is essential to come to every class and to come to every class prepared.
- Remember
your course meets one night a week; you must learn larger blocks of
material for each week.
- Talk
with the teacher early if you are having problems. There is no time
to let things ride.
- Go
to the Academic Resource Center early (this is a free student service);
get a tutor early.
students have the right to expect equal treatment and equal opportunity;
if you have a disability or special need, please meet with me privately
to discuss any accommodations you might need. Thank you.
- One
essay (at least four full typed pages) due on Week 5 treating one
or more of the assigned topics or readings – 20%
- Prepared
discussion questions on one of the readings (this assignment will
be explained in class) – 5%
- One
oral presentation on a poem or short story – 10%
- Short
answer exam (on week 7) – 25%
- Final
project (and presentation of project, if applicable) – 30%
- Incredibly
good, articulate, and enthusiastic participation in class discussions
– 10%
Late papers will not be accepted without serious
cause and may be subject to a lower grade.
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