Paper Clips - Throughout the year, English Department faculty members invite students who have written excellent papers to submit these papers to Paper Clips, for possible publication. These papers are "peer-reviewed"; that is, the English teachers read all the papers (they cannot read any papers they've submitted). A paper must receive two "Yes's" to be published. A peer-reviewed paper is considered a more prestigious publication. Try to get as many papers as possible accepted into Paper Clips. If your papers aren't being solicited, you might ask your English teacher if there is anything you could do to revise a paper to make it "Paper Clips" worthy. Being able to list publications on your resume is a major plus (in addition to the wonderful feeling you'll get the first time you're "published").
Works Literary Magazine - Sandi Johnson, a senior in the EPW program, has begun a literary magazine. If you'd like to become involved, please contact her (ask me for more information), because a number of the students working on the magazine will be graduating in May 2005. This is a student run, student peer-reviewed magazine designed for students who wish to submit imaginative and creative writing such as short stories and poetry.
Fortnightly News - Every month, the English Department publishes a newsletter. We are always on the lookout for good articles that relate to English, Writing, and English Education. In addition to news about the department, we publish book, movie, and drama reviews, articles providing writing or grammar tips, articles about different careers in the field, articles that present provocative information about issues that relate to the field in general, and articles about events and activities of interest. If you're interested in submitting an article, contact Ms. Jane Thompson, a faculty member in the English Department who is the paper's editor. Again, ask me for her contact information.
Arches - Whether or not you are an EPW major, working on Arches is an excellent hands-on experience that also will enhance your resume. Students may sign up for 1-3 credits for Arches (EPW 296), depending the level of involvement they'd like to fulfill. You have the opportunity to write articles for the paper, get involved in "what's happening" on the Mount Mary campus, and learn how a paper layout, design, and basic journalism principles.
Awards and Calls for Papers - Throughout the year, the English department posts information (generally, the on bulletin board outside the department office - NDH 239) on writing contests and writing conferences designed for undergraduates. This, again, is an excellent way to become published and acquire professional experience. |